Life & Work After 60…What’s Ahead?

July, 2017


The Minnesota State Capitol, pictured above, was extensively renovated over the past four years. In late June I took a tour to learn what has changed, and what is ahead for this amazing building. The parallels with our own aging, renewal and anticipation struck me, as I pondered this photo I took at the end of my tour. I’ll begin this blog with some reflections on how this story and scene compares with our future after 60. I will also offer some highlights from an upbeat June/July, 2017 AARP Magazine article entitled, What to expect in your 60s.

I like the idea of declaring a “reconstruction” period when a major life change is coming. For some, this reconstruction takes place in a matter of weeks or months. For many, it can stretch over years. With some luck, it takes four years to complete college. It has taken four years to complete the State Capitol renovation. Twice in the past eleven years I have begun a four year “reconstruction” period prior to a major change in my life and work.

Four years before starting my executive career transition consulting practice, I formed a Mastermind group. This group has been an invaluable partnership for professional development, support and success before and after my career transition. Our original eight solo coaching entrepreneurs have continued to meet monthly since 2006.

In anticipation of my 2019 transition to a portfolio life, I formed a True North Group. This group has also been a wonderful source of monthly support and guidance as we help each other chart our course towards a satisfying second half.

Both of these groups have been invaluable, as members have transitioned to their next chapters. Here is a link with some guidance on how to form your own support/strategy group.

There is an additional parallel between the State Capitol scene above and what is ahead for each of us. Do you see those menacing clouds on the left side of the photo? That anticipated storm never actually happened. What we feared that day never became a reality.

Most likely, some difficult times are ahead for each of us after age 60. The June/July AARP article suggests, however, that many of our fears about aging are exaggerated or unfounded. In reality, many of the hazards of aging might never happen in our 60s, or ever.

Here are some of the highlights from this article.

Wealth and Career

The Lowdown: Work finally becomes fun, retirement planning remains critical, and you are spending money like there’s no tomorrow. (Though there most certainly is.)

In your 60s you…

…aren’t afraid to make a late-career jump…

…have nearly a 20 percent chance of not retiring in your 60s…

…lead the nation in workforce growth…

…and even retirees are getting jobs for the fun of it.


The Lowdown: You most likely have a good sex life and still enjoy a martini or two, but it’s time to pay closer attention to what goes into your body, and to keep closer tabs on pill and supplement intake.


The Lowdown: You are mostly happy, are extremely engaged and prize your family above all. Nonetheless, you miss your work colleagues.

Be sure to take a look at this 60s article, and you can also click this link to see what is ahead for your 70s.

The photo above reveals much more than beauty, power and possible trouble ahead at the Minnesota State Capitol. It also tells a story that parallels our lives beyond age 60. This is a mature building that is about to complete its four year renovation. It is strong, beautiful inside and out, and ready for its decades of service ahead. A solid foundation and thoughtful renovation has given this building its good health and the prospect of an extended legacy. Here’s hoping for the same bright future for each of us after 60!
